Preventing Suicide: Breaking the Silence
We talk about suicide all the time: a turn of phrase here; a hushed conversation there; the obituary that omits the manner of death. But as a community, we avoid talking about the issue directly and openly. We do this despite the fact that more than 1.1 million Americans attempt to take their lives every year. It’s not something we should tolerate.

Over a six month period, I spoke with the very people who know the realities of suicide — attempt survivors, loss survivors, experts and activists — to learn what is causing the steady increase in suicide attempts and deaths and what needs to happen to reverse it.
This Digital Exclusive special report is the culmination of our extensive research and reporting. A 45 minute digital documentary is the cornerstone of the work. Other pieces include in-depth articles, digital shorts, interactives and a tribute wall.
Advocates called Preventing Suicide: Breaking the Silence the "gold standard" in reporting on suicide and prevention efforts. The report was honored with several awards including the 2017 SAVE Award for responsible reporting, a national honor, and three 2018 regional Edward R. Murrow Awards.

Presenting Suicide: Breaking the Silence - Digital Documentary
This 45 minute digital documentary served as the flagship piece to our special report, Preventing Suicide: Breaking the Silence.

Jordan: Sharing His Story to Save Others
Jordan Burnham said he wore a mask on his face, hiding his pain from family and friends, but that pain eventually became too much leading Jordan to try and kill himself. Thankfully, Jordan survived and now he's using his story to help divert others from venturing on the same path he took.
This digital short is one of nearly a dozen produced as part of the project.